Ute Mountain Lookout
Ashley National Forest, Utah
Devil's Head Lookout
Pike National Forest, Colorado
The Colorado/Utah chapter of the Forest Fire Lookout Association (FFLA) was created in February 2003 to address the preservation needs of fire lookout towers in Colorado and Utah. Through research, education, increased public awareness, and restoration initiatives, the chapter seeks to preserve these historical monuments for future generations.
Article from Colorado Country Life Magazine, August 2015
Exploring Colorado's Vanishing Fire Towers
This story is a nicely illustrated overview of Colorado lookouts and the Colorado/Utah chapter of the FFLA, including information on access, restorations, and rentals.
Squaw Mountain Work Days
Squaw Mountain Work Days will be posted as soon as known. Contact chapter
director Kent Argow at if you would like to help out.
Volunteers Needed at Historic Deadman Lookout Tower
Hosts volunteer a minimum of two days per season. The lookout is open regularly Friday through Monday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Hosts need to be in good health, enjoy working with people, and have transportation to and from the lookout. Evening classroom training on June 18 is required. New volunteers will also spend a training day with a mentor-volunteer at the lookout. If interested or for additional information, please contact Kristy Wumkes at 970-295-6721 or
Want to get involved in the Colorado/Utah chapter of the Forest Fire Lookout
Association? Email director Kent Argow at